Author Archives: P.J. Kortens

Case Study – Ingredients Manufacturing

Posted on by P.J. Kortens

by: Kelly Treml 6-1-15 Problem: Customer lost product due to occasional cooling failure. Observations: Coordinated efforts with customer to develop a solution to prevent this from happening again.  The customer makes a product that is very temperature sensitive at certain times in the production sequence.  If the product does not cool down in a certain […]

Control Magazine May, 2014

Posted on by P.J. Kortens

Informative page content (should not see this)… P.J. Kortens and Co. is mentioned in the May, 2014 issue of Control Magazine for our work on the Foremost Farms USA Appleton Cheese Plant Expansion. “Foremost Farms doubles production and adds data acquisition and historian functions to its SCADA/HMI system to find exceptions and improve operations.” See Complete […]

Machine Vision Applications

Posted on by P.J. Kortens

What if you could employ 100% inspection in your production line? I remember working for a major manufacturer of aluminum cans and ends (lids) back in the ’80s. It is vital that the sealing compound on the ends is flawlessly applied to ensure a viable seal. The manufacturer purchased a vision system to provide 100% inspection […]